What do we do medically for the puppy?
We do a LOT ;D
The Following is given:
Our Vet-Care Plan is inspected and established by B&B Veterinary (Lexington,NE (308) 324-3411)
*A Complete Health Record of your puppy.
*.1cc/lb Pyrantel Pamoate Dewormer given to Puppies and Momma at 2,4,6,8,10,& 12 weeks.
*.2cc/lb Safeguard Dewormer given to puppies 3 times during week 7.
*.2cc/lb Toltrazuril 5% at 4 and 6 wks (Coccidia Prevention)
.3ml Merricks Probiotic Paste at 4 and 6 weeks.
*Fecal Floatation Exam done at 6 weeks (under microscope)
*1cc Nobivac 5-way vaccination at 6, 9, 12, 15, & 18 weeks if in our care. Ask your vet for their input.
* Rear Dewclaws' are removed between day 1 and 4 before nerves develop.
*Microchip is done at 7 weeks (you must register)
*Tail docked if breed specified between day 1 and 3 before nerves develop.
As you can see we do a lot of medical for our puppies. More than any dog breeder I know. Follow recommendations from your vet or online vets of how often you should deworm, I prefer to deworm adults every 3 months for life. Parasites and worms can come from simply drinking water, it may even look clean, but the risk is there. Thats why its so important to stay on top of your dogs vaccinations and deworming schedules.